Monday, 11 February 2013

'Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb'

There is an intrinsic problem with getting up at five o'clock in the morning to get to your workplace four and half hours later, half of which time has been spent on an uncomfortable service bus munching sandwiches and desperately trying to stay awake. The problem is that you're completely useless for the rest of the day! At the moment, as my flat arrangements dawdle on and become ever more redundant, I am splitting time between workplace and staying with a friend and staying at home with my parents. This results in a slightly schizophrenic outlook on life and is not to be recommended. I now half believe I'm both a postdoc and unemployed and will live in three places simultaneously. I'm also possibly one of or both of Dastardly and Muttley. It's hard to say.

Breaking through the block of being tired is quite hard, but it's not impossible. It helps if you start telling yourself jokes and thinking how everyone would look in their Disney animated versions. That last part is also quite useful for breaking out of presentation jitters. Of course, they need to be cute Disney versions or it all goes to naught and you'll end up being intimidated by a room full of Horned Kings and Minister Frodos. I sincerely hope you have noone in your theatre who is the equivalent to one of those nasty pieces of work, and you're surrounded by Goofies and Donald Ducks. I would say I'm digressing, but actually there is no clear theme to today's writing. This whole post is a digression and I do not care.

Working in mathematics requries a massive amount of motivation or curiousity. In my case it's motivation as curiousity died millennia ago. I'm actually quite interested in geophysics and oceanography but some fancy sideways steps and a reputation as someone who gets things done are going to be needed before that kicks in. Oh, and trees are interesting too! Oh, I love trees. For once I'm going to send out a charity plug, and it's for TreeAid. TreeAid is important as they actually provide resources that will allow people to eventually fend for themselves instead of relying on relentless handouts in the future.

That was, again, a digression, and I think one that brings us back to the title of the piece: "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb". That's a quote from the legendary Adam West as Batman in the 1966 theatrical movie, and I have indeed spent this whole post trying to get rid of the bomb of wanting to write something but without any real idea what to write. The ending to 'Night Trials' is starting to ferment but is not yet ready to emerge, and some random words will spike something tomorrow but for now it's quite the meandering ribbon of words searching for the ocean. The random words posts are fun to write, as you try to stumble across a combination which strike off each other synergistically in some way, but not good for today. Today is a tell it from the deranged core day.

Random notes: Linux is not easy to install. People seem to have a phobia of buying blank discs. Never show a Clomp an open flame and a dirty olive. The whole world looks the same at five o'clock in the morning. Chicken is ubiquitous, like Facebook, but also appealing, not at all like said Facebook. Go Google+, straight into oblivion!


PS There's a new Film Bin commentary up and it's for the wholly overlooked Japanese anime of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' from 1974. Check it out at your own peril, either at the link below or the feed on this page.

PPS I added a Twitter feed to this blog a while ago. Please interact if you like and want to. This is the last gadget to be added, after the Film Bin feed below.

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