Thursday, 6 November 2014

One Day Late

Ah, a late post. In the chaos of preparing for today's interview, which went incredible badly and will not be alluded to further, yesterday's post went nowhere at all! It vanished into the hole of trying to sleep while being sick and nauseous and then doing very badly indeed. How is that for negligence on the part of the Quirky Muffin authorial staff? Guilt has overcome me.

In truth, it would have been difficult to write something anyway yesterday, both because of the nervous dehydration and the chaos that has sleeted in from the transitional windward side of things. It very much feels like things are about to change in certain unpredictable ways, and that all is about to become just a bit wobbly, which of course is simply a premonition. A premonition?

Premonitions are very personal things, and not entirely to be trusted, if at all. For all that, I believe in them always. Something weird is going to happen, even if it's just a lifechanging piece of music (listening to a nocturne by Glinka right now, by the way), or a wander by the river that will prompt a spectacular thought. Something will change, and probably for the better. Oh, premonitions, you're always wrong but I'll believe in you anyway.

On a side note, one of the words I picked out from Phrontistery for a post has morphed into a suspected story idea, which is currently going under the codename 'Mythogenesis', and will kick off once two of the three ongoing stories have been finally put to bed. Three is too many to have ongoing at one time, and so it will have to wait, but the word itself is fascinating:

mythogenesis - origin of myths.

Doesn't that word ring up all kinds of fascinating angles and ideas, of people on some other plane designing myths to be deployed down to civilizations on distant worlds of wonder and spectacle? No? What about rice pudding? Does it inspire thoughts of rice pudding? I firmly believe that most myths actually did spring from rice pudding and only human egocentricism prevents us all from realising this utterly devastating fact. One day the penny will drop, and global peace will fall as we unite in abject hilarity.

The world is a strange, strange place.


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