Tuesday 23 December 2014

The First Inaugural Story Jam

It's Christmas, that massively confusing time for the more agnostic amongst us, and in a bid to escape thinking about it too much and relax from dog-related stress it might be time to do a story idea jam! For the record, Tess the venerable wacky sheepdog now has a funky blue bandage with red trucks emblazoned on it, and is making me very jealous. I want a funky blue bandage with red trucks on it!

Story jam, story jam. What is a story jam? On this occasion it's a session wherein I let loose every story idea that's rumbling around in the head and throw them down on the page, noting the best ones for future stories. For example, to recycle one idea from another post:

1) What if there were a group of mythology technicians who pulled the mythology for each civilization on each planet from a filing cabinet of templates, and what if one time you got it wrong and all mixed up?

Now, for an actual story jam. Even now I'm coming up dry, but let's keep going.

2) What if you were a bad guy and found out you were working for the good guys all along?

3) 'Detective, Detective', which I'm not allowed to talk about.

4) A correspondence story between twinned people in different dimensions.

5) The Jacques Cousteau of space.

6) What if your life took the form of a movie serial?

7) Scarves. The scarf-ocracy. Everything determined by scarves.

8) The world really is a great big onion, with different lives and peoples on different levels.

9) The modern world without combustion (but not Steampunk somehow?)?

10) Ghostly wanderings in the 9th Dimension.

11) Why, why, why are there never enough clothes pegs?

Now, having idea pumped for a while I got all these... things... some of which are just a bit terrible. However, there is hope, because they could be mushed up together in different ways and there is at least one really decent science-fiction idea in the list. Will a story come from it all? You will have to wait and see! More story jams will follow.


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