Thursday, 29 January 2015

The Die Is Cast

Will this be the last course I have to take? Will there finally be work stability afterwards? Will it all work out? Speculation must be cast aside as the die is cast, finally. Let the chips fall where they may! It's taken a long time to get to the point where decisions are made boldly, in the knowledge that nothing can happen without taking a few chances. Well done, world, even if all goes awry, something is done and a lesson is learned. It's nice to have steerage way at last.

What is 'steerage way'? Someone is surely asking that somewhere in the world, and not because they've just read the term here. 'Steerage way' is a minimal speed required such that you actually have some control over your direction. It's the speed required to not just be drifting randomly, as so many people do. In fact, I've been drifting aimlessly myself, and will do so for a few more months. Steerage way feels good, it's that sense of having a direction.

Hence, with the wind at the back, and still nothing to do for months, it's time to get back down to business! Yes, the students have dissolved into nothing, but proofreading goes on, and on, and on! Come, one and all, have me copy edit what you've been doing down to the abysmal level of the Quirky Muffin. Here on occasion whole sentences are missing, and giant narrative chasms passed over senselessly. We don't care, no! It's a world of it's own, a weblog, a strange little corner of cyberspace dedicated to nothing in particular. Ah, how interminable it would be to write to an audience constantly...

So, business as usual for a few more months. Expect more stories, more reviews or articles, more words of the day, and more general rambling and philosophical thoughts based on nothing in particular. It is the way of things, after all, especially when at least one wedding is being attended in the coming months. Oh, good grief, a wedding! No, no, no. Whose mad idea was that? I'll get my ex-housemate Steve for this. Mutter mutter. Foolish mortals, you know not what you do...


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