Thursday 28 May 2015

Thursday in the Shadow of the Valley of Endless Metaphors

It's a Thursday, and the commentary recording for 'Explorers' has been postponed. It has been more than a week since my bank card was defrauded and it seems as if the damage has been minimal due to it being stopped in time. A massive amount of writing and podcast editing awaits on the morrow, as well as a village library volunteers meeting, and all kinds of other unexpected phenomena. This blog sits here, waiting to have words fed into its gaping and endlessly hungry maw, and so words are found.

As an exercise, free writing is rather interesting. It's the process of simply writing whatever comes into your mind, and hopefully tapping into a stream of consciousness. In many ways it's similar to training yourself to remember your dreams. If you don't know, and you want to remember your dreams, then what you need to do is keep a pad of paper next to your bed and start recording details whenever you wake up. Over time, what should happen is that you gradually remember more and more detail and for longer periods of time, until you can actually remember your dreams. The writing exercise helps to boost the recall. So, there, you have learnt something on this occasion by dropping into the Quirky Muffin.

The instinct at this point is to pause, and go look at something else. This must be fought against as an interruption would fatally defeat the point of the exercise. Yes, you can not stop, especially when the very post itself is imperilled otherwise by a disturbing lack of point. Yes, this post has no point, and not even a humorous anecdote to fall back upon. Oh, for a life that provides humorous anecdotes! Does a curious fascination with an alphabet dragon jigsaw puzzle count? No? Blast. Blast, blast, blast.

Our aborted/postponed Film Bin commentary was for 'Explorers', which movie I have written about already, but which is worth mentioning again for it's sheer sense of wonder. There are very few movies which capture that wonder, and perhaps the postponement was good as it gives me time to try and turn the other Film Binners around on the film. Yes, it does fall apart near the end due to studio shenanigans and an unrelenting time crunch, but it's so good before it crashes that it's still recommendable. Oh, 'Explorers', you wonderful mixed up mess...

A cursed pause struck, and now the flow is gone. There will be no talking about the new story idea for 'Diaries of a Laundry Robot', a bestseller if ever I heard of one, and no talk about the horrors of de-noising an hour and a half of commentary track. You'll just have to imagine how tedious it is to subtract snorts, gasps, clicks and wheezes from multiple sound tracks... You also won't read about the terror of reformatting academic papers into a journal's specific style. Gosh, you're a lucky bunch.

That's a wrap.


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