Wednesday 9 March 2016

Story: The Ninja of Health, VIII

( Part VII , IX )

The Ninjas of Health had originated in the late twentieth century, as a post-modern innovation in the realm of Eastern traditions. Before, ninjas would not have been concerned with holistic healthcare and altruistic social work, but rather mercenary endeavours and espionage. What happened to make this change? It was a little man called Ken, from a small town in the south of Sweden.

Ken, not having been well employed at the time, fell to studying in the local library and became besotted with ancient Japan, especially the various levels and castes of the society of the time. He concocted a plan, adapted philosophies, and then fell to practicing before preaching. Seven years later, he reached out to a select few people, and an order was born. It was an order with some unusual teachings, unusual practices, and a few members of quite extraordinary abilities...

These ninjas were always few in number, and went forth into the world to fix whatever ills they might encounter. They went where they felt they were needed. Their connections to the world around them, and their readings of the seemingly chaotic causal chains that it contained, combined so that they were rarely wrong.

Our two operatives had moved to Toddlingham several years earlier, and renovated the old chapel in which they lived. The wellbeing of the town slowly improved as they undertook their extracurricular activities and waited. There was always a purpose, a culmination to every assignment, and to everyone's time in the order. The two went about their day jobs, helped where they could, and worked on their arts as well as their mutually assured devotion.

Now, it seemed as if their waiting might be over.

To be continued...

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