Sunday 10 April 2016

Alligators Are Underrepresented

This time, it was done punctually, and with great leisure. The tax return is done, and with nine months still to go before the deadline! In the paranoia business, this is called being late. Oh, so tardy it is. The whole tedious business did wipe out the chance of writing a story episode, though, which is annoying. It's true that I'm still partially blocked on all three stories, suffering motivation problems, and that my hair is due for a haircut, but it would have been nice to write something. Instead, we have the now customary hodge podge of words slung together while wrestling with Orpheus's alligator. If Orpheus didn't have an alligator in the myths, then I will be very disappointed.

What if Orpheus had an alligator? Or Odin? Or St Steven? Would those mythologies now be radically different? Would Thor have gotten away with so much misbehaviour? What if there were a Zappo the Supercroc? Was there really not one? I'm disappointed. What if Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson had had a pet alligator? Would Mrs Hudson have been so grumpy then? It would actually be possible to reinvigorate the whole of fiction writing with this one simple addition. I'll have to think about how to introduce alligators into my stories, possibly in the same way they did with tigers and Captain Marvel, the original Captain Marvel. We don't talk about the new one, invented purely to steal the name. [Please insert antiquated grumbling here]

Oh, the word well has run dry, in an alarmingly sudden manner. Could it be a sign that the brain has worked enough for today, having deployed ideas in multiple languages and piloted through an arduous swimming session, all of this after multiple bicycle trips of varying arduosity over the course of the week? Or does it just mean that it has run out of rice pudding power? Rice pudding power is second only to muesli power, but has the advantage of being warm and homemade. You can make rice pudding extremely easily, actually. All you need is the pudding rice, some milk, some honey and your own choice from nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla pods and cloves. You then mix it all up in a greased oven dish and bake it on medium/low for a few hours. Aha, you didn't expect any baking advice again, did you! There's a reason for that subtitle!

It's time to stop now, having wandered around alligators and rice pudding for long enough. A few mere days more and boats will begin to factor into the equation as the Quirky Muffin goes on sabbatical once again. One cover post out of three is in the bag, but will the other two get done at all? Only time will tell... Mwahahahahaha.

The Shadow knows.


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