Monday 30 May 2016

Bad Days

How much fatalism is permitted when dealing with what some people call 'bad days'? At what point does it become acceptable to throw up your hands and declare it better to go to sleep rather than keep fighting? And how much of the misery of a bad day can be traced back to the self-fulfilling prophecy of someone who pessimistically gives up far too soon? When does a string of small incidences of bad luck and unfortunate events achieve critical mass?

It hasn't been that bad a day, really, but instead a terror of a month! My beloved and venerable camera has bitten the dust of time, which will force a modern, and far less convenient, replacement. Student numbers are also falling off for the holidays, the temperature is rising, insects are proliferating, and stress is biting into every aspect of existence. Also, the water supply may have gone bad, and a giant could take resident in the garden at any moment. A giant would be the crowning glory of it all. Or a troll. All together, now, in full 'Troll Hunter' style*: "TROOOLLLLLLLL!" The important thing, however, is to focus on what's working well and not obsess on the negatives.

The 'bad day', or week or whatever, is a self-sustaining phenomenon if let it be. Think about the positives and let the chain of circumstance fall away of its own accord. A bad day is actually a wonderful opportunity for breaking out the giant pencils and doing some air conducting, or dancing words across a page which might never be read. Will these words themselves ever be read? They don't really contribute much to the world, or do they? Isn't any suggestion that people take up air conducting or origami models a good suggestion?

Go on, people, wave those pencils. You won't regret it. Let those stresses fall away, and the world become a much nicer place. A place with more oranges and chocolate cakes, more dodecahedra and Bananaman references, and of course more Addams Family. Good golly, who knew that there was a new Bananaman musical in the theatres this year? That flew under the radar, hopefully for good reason. Even the Bananaman movie is now apparently in development. Could it be that it wasn't actually a hoax?

Yes, we need more Bananaman references, people! Maybe it wasn't such a bad day, after all.


* 'Troll Hunter' was a movie. Look it up. It was good.

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