Thursday 14 September 2017

A Bunkum Sandwich? Yummy!

One long day ends, as hopefully does a long long string of mistakes, accidents and ridiculous bad luck. Sometimes, a day starts out rocky and capsizes even before breakfast, and then all you can do is keep on going and hope it all works out for the best, before that waterfall gets too close to avoid... Ah, such wonderful days of September! It's no wonder that this is peak DVD season. Nothing hits the Autumn Blues with such ferocity as 'Get Smart', 'Gilligan's Island' or 'Police Squad'. Ooh, 'Police Squad', now there's an idea... It's the exact thing! Bring me Frank Drebin, now.

Thinking about recent times, the most striking thing from the last week is how much easier swimming and learning in the water is becoming. It's as if some crucial level of comfort and awareness has been reached, and now experimentation is a practical activity. Yes, you can learn to tread water. Yes, you can work out how to get off your back just by turning your head. Why now have a go at submerging by lifting your arms, legs and head? Why not? Swimming a length is now a very definite possibility. Who would have thought it would take so long, but happen in such a natural way?

Learning can be a very difficult thing, especially in a school/lesson context. Often, the drive to get to the winning post can be very damaging. Some people respond to pressure in very adverse ways, and really do prefer to play in the sandbox and learn subjects holistically and thoroughly. As a tutor, there's a real contradiction in how to proceed. Parents want results, but students need to learn, and sometimes the teacher wants to be able to see progress a little too quickly. It's more about supplying the fundamental interconnectedness of all things! Or is it? It's getting late, and this could all be very akin to twaddle.

Twaddle? Twaddle?! Twaddle is supplied in a similar way to pens, in that both grow on trees. The standard ballpoint pen was actually discovered on an arboreal specimen in Madagascar, and ink is harvested by squeezing immature pen-fruit. Sadly, this fact has been suppressed by a world bent on forcing people into accepting pens as manufactured items! Fiends, I say, fiends! Twaddle is actually made from the leaves of the Twaddla Bush, and is most addictive when consumed with bunkum. Ooh, a bunkum sandwich would be nice right now. With extra lettuce leaves.


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