Saturday 10 August 2013

Weird Worlds

'Write and the world shall write with you.' That's not a true statement, but it helps to start a blog which you have no ideas for; Running a loose thread of consciousness can be hard but it is always possible. You don't need inspiration if you can tap into what's going on around you.

Out there in the world people get randomly wacky and do mad things. Not mad as in the ideas that come to mind when you play 'Balderdash' but in other stranger and queasier ways. You only need to turn on the news to see it, and it's sometimes very scary. Obviously it's very tempting to hole up in your home and never venture out. Should you?

Learning about the world from the Internet and the media is a mistake. You only ever get the extreme opinions and the crazy people. You only ever get the terrible news and over-hyped populist news. Do I care that the Royal Baby was born? No. Do I want to know it was called George, in deep detail? No. It's just silly.

You have to go out into the world and make up your own mind. The key is finding some excuse for doing it; That's the hardest part.

Do you think that when the early humans started eating vegetables and other plants, allowing for significant mental development and the creation of a new potential for culture and civilization, that they thought all this would happen? The heights we have reached are amazing, but they did they think it would all go into a bizarre retrograde in so many places? That intelligence and civilization would go under in a wave of brain numbing burgers, sausages and fries? Of course not, they were busy looking for the best animals to rear and then kill for steaks. It's all about balance at the end of the day; Vegetables for the brain and meat for the muscles.

I played 'Balderdash' today, and it was as fun as usual. Nothing allows for such creative runs of lunacy as that game. You can go from writing a film synopsis about cold wars surrounding immense mutant potatoes to defining false meanings for acronyms and creating funny word definitions. It's awesome. That's what all those vegetables were for, and the meat is for the swimming lessons.

Rant over. Bring on the essay about preternatural abilities. And the fun. Gosh, I need fun!


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