Sunday 6 April 2014

Way out there

Once again the golden spike has been driven through the heart of an exam and it's time to move on. This was a particularly hard one, in my unhumble opinion, probably comprising fifty percent more material than a regular Maths exam. And it took forever!

<The stars look lovely, so charming and sedate>

Teaching, relearning, and preparing assessment for a module at the same time can be a daunting affair. At times almost overwhelming in fact but it is now for all intents done, barring a bit more coursework marking. The marking shall be done using 'Marking Gambit C'. Nothing works quite like old option C, the 'lying on the floor and listening to movies and music as you work' tactic. Option A was discredited long ago due to the problems associated with burning heretics on a stake driven into piles of burning coursework, and option B was dismissed many years ago when the notion of sending people on expenses paid cruises to get marking done was sadly not time-effective. Now all that are left are floors and the ineffectual option (X) of last resort: Doing it in the office. Bleuch!

<We spin around the sun, our planet so serene>

At some point I will go mad in an office. Stark raving mad at being trapped in function-specific space and battling every perverse and evasive muscle in the mind. Offices... What places of horror and lunacy! They'll find me one day waving a washing up sponge, talking to it as if were an old friend called Mickey, and jumping whenever anyone says 'staff meeting'. Still, apart from the offices, it's quite a good job. Apart from the barbarian seagulls of course, which are descended from the Hun seagulls of many many centuries ago.

<Time, that insubstantial thing, so vital but translucent>

It can probably be deduced that there's little to write on this occasion in the Quirky Muffin. A week of exam proofing has been rather draining, as has having been just a little bit sick, and confused at a sudden extension of the old work contract. It's lovely of course, but only knowing three months at a time is rather wearing.

<The universe, so quiet, so damaged and yet so, so complete>

Exam proofing was accelerated by finally getting up to date with 'The Mentalist' DVDs, where I am now only two episodes away from finishing the fifth season. Huzzah! Once again my instinct is that the show is better than people think it is. A lot better than 'Elementary', for example. However, there is some vibe out there in critical land that seems to forbid people from talking about it. How strange. It's above average and occasionally excellent, and occasionally dreadful.

And with that, the close.
<Clouds over stars, nebulae far above, gaseous wombs of celestial love>


PS If this seems strange, be thankful you never saw the original version!
PPS If you're one of my students, be afraid. Very afraid. Nyahahahahahah!
PPPS No, not really, it will be fine.
PPPPS Liquorice.

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