Sunday 5 August 2012


After a week of Olympic ladies basketball and corrections it has become hard to know what to do with spare time. Olympic jadedness set in with the Britain v France match on Friday night, where the score was 77-77 with three seconds of overtime left before France bagged a long long three pointer. Bye bye Britain. There won't be many better games.

Hmm, on spare time... there is no spare time with an interview in two days! Lots to read in preparation. It looks like an exciting project!

<Come on Croatia! You can beat Turkey!>

The word of the day is 'connectedness'. It's a funny word, a noun which referring the extent to which things are connected. As humans we require a certain amount of connectedness to survive, the level of which varies from person to person. Most interpersonal problems are related to the amount of connectedness combinations of people require. Also, tangentially, a domain is connected if all points inside can be reached from any other point inside via routes which are solely inside the domain. Clunky definition I just made up there.

Connectedness is important. Interestingly the individual's required level for connectedness varies over time. Some acquire greater requirement and some lose. Perhaps it needs practice, or perhaps we need different things at different times.

Pensive Oliver.

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