Monday 1 April 2013

The Legacy

People seem to get hung up on having a legacy. Perhaps it's the idea of being forgotten or not having an impact after death, or even just a defence against the idea of death, but it is important to some. Of course it is also kind of silly because we leave legacies in every interaction and everything we do, although some are imperceptible and others even immediately forgotten. My legacy will hopefully lie in inspiring just a few people to be unconventional in useful and experimental ways and not just in obeying custom for custom's sake. That's not a bad legacy to have. Perhaps it is the only legacy to give. In the most part, however, thinking about legacies really just puts too much pressure on everything we do, and makes things seem so much more significant than they are. And it is, of course, rather morbid.

Instead of legacy, perhaps we should think about the effect we have now. The future is an unknown, and unknowable, and a thousand things could happen to spoil what we've done, but a niceness from day to day and gentleness in our affairs can only be good. Also, the practice of being good on a day-to-day basis and having a legacy in the present instead of the future is very comforting, unless of course there are selfish goals in hand, and things expected in return. Altruism is an end in itself, after all, and there ends the patronising lesson.

Easter is over and the Easter Bunny lies at the bottom of her burrow all exhausted and unconscious. She won't be seen for months until the next Easter season ramps up and she gets the seasonal manufacturing factory back from Santa at the North Pole. Even now, one the Easter Bunny personal assistant is sticking the snowmobile into reverse and heading back to Lyons at breakneck speed before Father Christmas discovers the damage to the main power generator and the problems with the self-perpetuating wind power turbine. They were right, though, it was a great way to bias chocolate thickness toward the thick end of the egg and an excellent way to mix cake batter.

The holiday draws to an end, and as I recover from some rather upsetting news it is time set back up for work and head to Aberystwyth, the Land of the Bold and Cold. For another few months at least it will be home and a wonderful place it is. I do wish it had a Wilkinson though. Oh gosh, how I wish.


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