Saturday 11 May 2013

The Clomp is always watching

The film 'Backdraft' is running to my right. Sometimes divided attention is the best way to boost creativity and I suspect it shall always be thus. Is it possible to be too divided, though? When a lunatic Clomp is always overlooking your shoulder you never quite know where sanity begins and madness ends. Oh Clompie, you dopy mad toy villain, you!

There'a a reason to watch movies and read novels and listen to music and radio: To be able to write and produce you also need to read and absorb. You can give too much and then have nothing left to give. Sometimes you need to take in and observe, experience and react. As much as this is a repeat of previous material it's still true.

The Clomp, being a mad toy villain, feels no need for a balance in life and will do whatever he wishes. In many ways it's a shame he's not real. Fortunately he's been in many a story written during university days and will show up in print sometime. It would be nice. There's enough material in my mind for a dozen children's books, where Egbert the Albino Elephant crosses paths with Professor Rip van Bramble, and Robinson Bear's Cafe is an incognito meeting place for all manner of bizarre networks. It will happen.

'Backdraft' is actually quite a good movie. Ron Howard has a knack for these things. I think he's probably the 'go to' director for tricky and unlikely ideas. Maybe I'll write a thing about it tomorrow. You can expect that, and more instalments of 'Triangles' and 'The Disappearance' soon. And some book reviews too. It has been a rich time for novels recently. There's far too much swearing in 'Backdraft' though, and odd goriness.

Sometimes the writing is so easy that you can't stop. How do the words stop tumbling, especially in the late night hours when nothing is moving and people are asleep all around in the quiet villages of Carmarthenshire? The combined sleep in evidence nestles over us all and adds to the spirit of reflection and contemplation. Yes, there are sometimes natural places to stop.

Good night.

PS I could have gone on far longer. You're lucky, you people!

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