Sunday 14 July 2013

It gets harder and harder

I always say it gets harder to summon the crazy and write this thing. It must be a function of time or experience. My waffling ability is in the trough again or there's simply a lack of input to balance the output. I would love to reel off another 'Carrot Man' or a treatise on invisible ink. Oh, invisible ink. There was something about invisible ink that I wanted to write about. I wonder what it was.

Invisible ink... the ultimate in secret communication as long as the spies don't know the paper isn't blank. It's an interesting and lateral method: Don't mess with the message but with the medium instead. Very interesting. Maybe it was devised by someone trapped in a horrendous heat wave as we are now here in Wales. Even though I'm too pale to go out in high summer sun in any case it is also ridiculously hot. Outsiders must think we are so soft here in Britain, not coping with either the cold of winter of the heat of summer, but please remember that our extremes are so far apart, and widening. I wonder if any other country has such extremes?

This blog seems to have become a ragtag compilation of bits and bobs, a rogue collection of things that have been surfing my mind as I feel a bit lonely and sorry for myself. I don't know if was harder before I had a girlfriend and was ignorant or after and knew what I was missing. I suspect the earlier situation was better, as the phenomenon of a housemate taking two years to get to know me past my terrible first impression is very unlikely to repeat itself. In fact it verges on totally impossible that I'll ever have another housemate or flatmate for that long! Still, hope is not something to be given up, even in the throes of the most silly lonelinesses. And I've only gotten weirder with time.

Have you ever wondered how an orange actually develops. I have. Consider the lack of structure inside the fruit, and the apparent absence any kind of conduit. The segments are all sealed so how does the extra moisture get into them as they grow? And the pips just appear inside? It's all very suspicious, although I think I have a working theory for the pips at least, and the mechanism of the growing orange could be a very interesting model mathematically...

As an eclectic 'fruit salad' blog that wasn't so bad, but I hope to have an inspiration for next time. Or a huge fruity pineapple slice of story. I love pineapple. There has to be a branch of lunacy based around pineapples.


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