Tuesday 17 September 2013

Boxes and boxes and even more boxes

My things have been moved and I am no longer even technically a resident of Aberystwyth. It feels funny to move. It always does. As people we define ourselves rather bizarrely by where we live, our jobs and our families, but not often by who we are and how we behave. Hence when we move we are essentially chipping off a chunk of identity and replacing it with our new environment. As a result, and if that is true for you, then moving is of course a traumatic experience!

Let's accept the above as a hypothesis, for now, and that it applies to me or someone else sitting in a house with too many boxes and not enough room for all their books. Hovering around that person you can imagine all the mental boxes strewn around as they try to work out who on Earth they are at the moment. Change throws people for loops. Fortunately my existence is more defined by actions than locations but still it's a strange experience to go through.

Despite all the moving it actually feels like life is quite good at the moment. Sure, I'm unemployed and there are no signs of jobs at the moment, but there are no loose ends flapping and hopes for the future. Huzzah and hail fellow, well met. Sometime soon I will really have to write about 'Joe Versus The Volcano'. It's a hard one to think about, a film that got ripped up in one of our Film Bin discussions despite my loving it, and a fascinating screen poem in many ways. I suspect that there won't ever be a harder piece to write.

<shifts the mental boxes about a bit>

Aha! The upcoming plans for the Quirky Muffin are actually exciting. I will break into book reviews more than at present, shifting away from movies once 'Joe Versus The Volcano' is done, and really plug into the prose portal that formed the essential Oliver. It should be fun, and it is quite scary but a project already begun. There are two stories I want to push along as well, 'Oneiromancy' and 'The Disappearance', both of which will hopefully conclude before the next phase of 'Triangles' and the resurrection of 'The Glove'. 'The Glove' is hard as there's no immediate plot to hang onto, although there is a plan now. World building is actually quite hard, which is obvious in retrospect. I might even write about music a little, which is normally a bogie subject.


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