Thursday 2 January 2014


Positivity is a really hard thing. Scores of people might be presented to illustrate the fact that my tendency is to cynicism and pessimism, based on the fact that nothing ever works! However, it is the New Year and perhaps positivity is in order. The PhD paper will find its resolution, meaningful progress will be made toward a Statistics project, and there will be lots more diversification. There will be a way; It is assured. Once the brain muscle has been exercised back to effectiveness there shall be marvellous things done, including a mild refit on the readability of the Quirky Muffin.

Positivity is an attitude, the ability to think well and constructively about events and experiences. It is also a general attitude, a plausible happiness that becomes harder when faced with the vagaries and unfairnesses of life, but one that is never impossible. So, let's embrace positivity for a time and be the happy-go-lucky types that started the Quirky Muffin in the first place. A whole New Year of the Muffin awaits... But what will it contain? Will we have the first guest authored piece? Will a story finally finish? Will muffins finally rear their actual heads?

The nature of the Quirky Muffin in the New Year... a quandary in five parts...

This is a blog currently very much in search of a destiny. Experimental, unnecessary, story-laden and self-indulgent, a review of books and media that worked and didn't work but passed my door. An exercise in articulation that's uncaring of its audience. What will come? And how I rue the day I lost that excellent random word generator! There will be stories but one at a time. Currently that means that the current phases of 'The Disappearance', 'The Glove' and 'Oneiromancy' will be knocked off before 'Wordspace' and 'Year Zero' can come into play for the first time and the second phase of 'Triangles' finally debuts. It's a loaded schedule, dependent entirely on finally finishing the glory that is 'The Disappearance', which began with a cosmic mystery on the power of plain chocolate digestive biscuits!

Oh, positivity, you are the dough that great loaves of future rise from like ecstatic birthday cakes. And you make just as much sense!


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