Friday 7 February 2014

Muffin Fodder

Question: What makes a good idea for an entry into the Quirky Muffin? Answer: Almost anything under the sun!

By now there must be an uncounted number of duplicate Muffins, repeating fleeting thoughts that have slipped through my mind from time to time quite regularly. (Yes, I am forever thinking about twirling and tilting at windmills, and the various ways to use cheese to power the great civilizations of the planet Earth.)

It's hard to say what goes on in patterning what pops out of the fingers, but in the most general sense it's useful to return to 'Rhapsody' and the ideas of irregular pieces of music that express great emotion. It's helpful that this is all intended to please no-one in particular. The Quirky Muffin can be literally anything within the confines of taste and decency, and if serves to express something in the meantime then all the better!

Note: There have been far too many self-referential blog posts here of late. Must stop wasting space.

The Winter Olympics opening ceremony of 2014 is going on as I write this, amidst all the scandals of homophobia, corruption and prejudice. The pavements all around the Arts Centre were chalked with protest slogans and solidarity slogans and it all seems somehow bizarre in contrast with the fact that this is going to be another one of the Olympics that I will see very little of when all things are considered. That's not to belittle the human rights issues at all - Russia is terrible on human rights especially with respect to homosexuals - but it's very much a problem with a group unconnected to me at an event I'm not seeing in a country far far away. In contrast the flooding and weather changes are far more important and immediately far reaching, except for the fact that Russia is that scary country off to the East that likes to glower and menace and so deeply dubious things while waving its missiles around.

It's a scary world. This was never intended to be a topical entry. The recurrent fears over flooding have spooked the town and all involved. There will have to be new segments of 'Wordspace' to cancel out the recurrent gloom and wonder at how oddly things are happening at the moment in this funny time of change and flux. 'Wordspace' posts an interesting question in whether to maintain Mystery as the sole lead character or add someone. The problem is that if the characters are words, and all stick fairly closely to their meanings, then everything that can happen is pretty much pre-determined and nothing can ever change (all of written literature). Essentially for a non-static story there must be agents of change, hence Mystery and perhaps others. Or is it intrinsically wrong to have a static story? In this type of conceit is every character an unavoidable archetype?

There is certainly much to think about. Not the least of which is writing lectures all through the weekend! Knock three times and ask for Svlad Cjelli.


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