Tuesday 13 January 2015

Four Five One

Putting Darwin's 'Voyage of the Beagle' to one side, and recovering from teaching the card game 'Bohnanza' to my parents, it's time to once again take to the keyboard. Yes, it's a bit late and my thoughts are rather groggy, but it shall be done!

'Bohnanza', after some dodgy experiences with overly serious games players, has turned out to be nice as a gateway game with non-horribly competitive nice people. Sure, it's not a particularly difficult experience, but that's the point! 'Voyage of the Beagle' is proving fascinating very early in the reading, and makes one wonder what it must have been like to go out on those survey voyages back in history. How brave and fantastic to sign on with a survey vessel, and journey for years on end in a tiny sailing ship, subject to the winds and the tides! Trepidation would be laid aside, in favour of adventure and experience! A true gift for a beginning clergyman naturalist in search of life. If only there were similar experiences in the world as we knew it.

Four hundred and fifty posts down, it's a marvel that there are still things to write about. 'In The Park' even illustrated, to me at least, that there are still fizzy ideas to convert into silly stories, whether they be about programmable squirrels or giant teaspoons floating through space. Of course, not every random idea has a story attached to it. 'Random teaspoons floating through space'? Good grief! It's like having a mainline into a cut-price domain of substandard imagery! Yes giant teaspoons, used by a once-genius super-race to scoop out valuable portions of nebulae for resale back to gas vendors, element extractors or cosmic rag and bone men... Blast, it's actually beginning to sound good now. Except for maybe the giant teaspoon aspect.

Oh, Quirky Muffin, you'll continue for a while longer. There are stories to write, books and movies and television series to write about, and things to ponder as they emerge into topicality. There will be silliness to come, still!


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