Friday 17 April 2015

Four Hundred And Ninety Nine

Yes, one last post before mighty five hundred, which is nowhere near complete at this point. Is this what we call planning? Is it? No, of course not! Welcome to the Quirky Muffin, last organised properly in late 1994, when in paper form and indescribably more boring. Oh, days gone by, somehow not seen through the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia. Somehow nostalgia never made it into my mental patterns, except possibly in television terms, where the 1960s has become a virtual 'home era'. Yes, the 60s had chauvinism and misogynism problems, but it was moving in the right direction, and they were making television that everyone could watch. If there's something to be nostalgic for then it's broad spectrum broadcasting! Yes, the best shows are probably better now, but they're also tightly targeted.

Now, putting that oft-repeated rant back into its box, what's going on with Quirky Muffin 500. Potentially, nothing at all. It's an arbitrary landmark after all. We wouldn't be having this discussion right now if weren't equipped with five digits on each of our hands and feet, and five appendages in total, prompting ancient man to jump up and down in a blissful epiphany and start counting in fives and tens. In some ways I envy the eccentric civilizations that decided to pass on that ludicrous system (see Babylonians?) and count in other bases. Yes, you wouldn't find them worrying about what to do for blog post five hundred! What is going to happen? Does it matter? Is anyone actually counting anyway? Auntie Google knows, but then she knows everything, even the things you wish she didn't.

I'm watching you, Auntie Google. You were nice when you were small but now you're a corporate behemoth you're totally untrustworthy. The beady eye is watching.

The plan is this: A long unfinished story has been stuck on hold all week, caught in the morass of waiting for supply work that never comes. Much like 'Clomp Squared', it is firmly based in the stories my sister and I used to make up about our toys. Hence, it may make very little sense, feature many anthropomorphised animals and a zeppelin. There may or may not be lakes of custard and a space journey to the great Swirly Thing underlying this part of the space-time continuum.

It's a landmark year for the Film Bin as well, since commentary one hundred is set to land, under a veil of greatest secrecy, later this year. The only hint as to the choice of film is that it features a train. Make of that what you will. How much later this year it will happen is a difficult question to answer, as we've had more delays and disruptions at Film Bin Central this year so far than anyone would have expected in two whole calendar years. Such is the way of things, but we will get to the mythical beast that is number one hundred and give it a nice bowl of milk for the anniversary. Ooh, what a cute commentary! Tickle tickle.


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