Friday 1 January 2016

Twenty Sixteen

Welcome to 2016, the world of opportunity. What might come in the next twelve months? What triumps and tragedies, successes and failures, achivements and turnips? Turnips? Oh, the gibberish is making an early start, I see.

2016 might see the beginning of a new job in Poland. It might see a massive escalation in the tutoring and proofreading business. There could be a move into whole new research projects, or an incursion into the world of publishing. It's hard to see what will happen.

To start the new year off on a good footing, tomorrow you will find the massive, joined-up version of the first chapter of 'Wordspace', modified quite heavily in places from the ludicrously inconsistent serialised version. Words have been de-neutered, continuity has been fixed, typoes have been removed, and a little bit of backstory has been added. Will it be good? Maybe. It's nice to have finished it. It wasn't a lot of work, but it was spread out sparsely over a long period of time.

This year, the Quirky Muffin will continue to be about extemporaneous posts about nothing, serialised stories, reviews of mostly archive films, books and television, and whatever else comes to mind. There should also be a lot more 'obscure word' posts.

Welcome to 2016.


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