Wednesday 23 March 2016

Insert Content Here

In the aftermath of a nice day, and in a state of mild fatigue, this is where the content is scheduled to go. Yes, the content that is my regular challenge. Why struggle for content in an era when the majority of the Internet is filled with worthless gossip, baseless opinions and assorted bits of unpleasantness? Because we can. That said, this content may not be anything more than a trailer for the next post, which will be the next 'On The Book Piles', a grand summary of what is being read. It has changed quite a lot since last time, and Jules Verne is back in the mix. I still can't quite understand that my student in English didn't take to Verne...

Words aren't flowing well today, as the increasingly late hour and the toll of so many lessons makes its presence felt. Talking so much is quite the drain on internal resources, especially on those rare occasions when it doesn't go well! However, it's good exercise for the social muscle, wherever it may be located in the psyche. I wonder what Freud would say about it all, and whether 'psychic expenditure' would factor into the equation anywhere. As with all things, you can't just write or talk forever, for reading and listening must take their turns to maintain equilibrium in the so easily toppled human mind. You can't keep giving without taking in from time to time, after all.

It's a bit better now, as the fingers tap more confidently at the keys, perhaps in response to a recent foray into practicing on the other kind of keyboard. I was never able to play well, but it's nice to practice anyway, and work towards something lyrical and intriguing. The ultimate goal has always been to play some Scott Joplin and get into rag-time, in that mythical other world where such progress is possible within a normal lifetime. A great piano player is a genius in most respects, and often a madman in others; this is part of the great paradox of greatness. How many great people have been deeply flawed? It's probably easier to count the ones who weren't. Please let me know when you think of one.

Another post crawls to a climax, and bed calls as anticipation for seeing 'Kung Fu Panda 3' tomorrow grows. It has been five years since the second instalment. Five years! We can only hope that it gets close to meeting the first two in quality, and be less of a hodgepodge than this post!


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