Saturday, 30 June 2012

Bathos, pathos and bogus

'bathos: appearance of the commonplace in elevated matter'
'pathos: a quality in a person or situation that makes you feel sad or sorry for them'

While writing this blog I will surely exhibit bathos many many times. That's an inevitable consequence of being immature and free to do as I wish. I can whistle for three hours on this thing if I want! Not that you could tell.

Meanwhile from the desk of Monty T. Monkey:
'Hello. This week in Mango News, we report that a mango has appeared in the middle of the memorial fountain to Eddie Bear. The mango was delicious.'

On the other hand I hope I never exhibit pathos, which is easily confused with bathos. Neither of these terms is easily confused with 'bogus', but then I digress. Digression is a useful tool when you are attempting to evade the task you have set for yourself. In this case I should be doing thesis work and not blogging so thesis work shall be mixed in.

As the weekend approaches the question arises of what to do? Hmm, Welsh weather continues to be wonderful for my pale skin with it's persistent clouds, murk and coolness but remains unengaging to others. What others? Well, that's a good point too. It'll be swimming followed by a hard burst of nothing at all!

Pathos and bathos are remarkably simple concepts, one designed for men and the other for words. Whereas in a person we see sadness as disappointing in words we see mundanity as the same. Perhaps what we see as pathos really refers to mundanity and its effect. On the other hand, maybe it's all bogus to begin with.

'bogus: not real, although pretending to be real'

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