Thursday 28 June 2012

Words, words and more words

Words: Collections of letters grouped together into orders which sound nice. Words can themselves be assembled into sentences, sentences into paragraphs or verses, and paragraphs or verses into prose and poetry. Words are truly wondrous things, encapsulating complex thoughts in little strings of ink on a page, or dots on a screen. Words can uplift, can hurt and can explain. Words are kings.

Words are the basis of my work, and so they should be emphasised from time to time. Multiple projects are ongoing right now, and they're all word based. Thesis corrections: Words. Blog writing: Words. New project reading: Words. Words everywhere. Story writing: Words. Words words words. Everything is words. One such word is 'transducer', the random word of the day!

A transducer is a device that converts energy from one form to another. We are living transducers, that turn stored food energy into motion and thought. Sometimes it seems as if different people have different biases towards thoughts or actions and problems break out. Oh, the irony of the human transducer! Writing a thesis can be a lonely thing and during the dog days of corrections a spot of correct transduction of energy into words would be handy. Perhaps if I pull the purple lever?

<pulls the purple lever>

<two days pass>

Where was I? Oh yes, transducers and theses. Oh, the joy of thesis completion! And job hunting too. Anyone with a handy mathematics postdoctoral opening should point it at me please. Also, the approximate viscosity for granular aggregates within a cone crusher would be useful too.

Life is lonely sometimes but at least we have ice cream and desperation. For the last couple of days work has been done and has been scary. It's possible that the formalities will soon be done and soon it will be DOCTOR Oliver Bain writing here.

Sleepy Oliver.

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