Tuesday 12 March 2013

The Melancholy Monster

I'm being stalked by a melancholy monster. It has big teeth and a tendency to tell drab stories about past events which bear only a tangential connection to what actually occurred. I have decided to name the Melancholy Monster Claude, in the hopes that Claude will get miffed by such a name and take off into the sticks. You never know; It could happen.

It's easy to acquire your own melancholy monster when the weather is so cold. It is exceptionally cold here in the UK right now and that means we all tend to huddle up and sleep through the dark, waiting for more hospitable times, and being ever so slightly lonely. It's cold, and maybe a melancholy monster is unhealthily warming.

You can also find your own melancholy monster if you keep trying to achieve something and are continually thwarted. As the current possessor of a long-ongoing boundary condition quandary I can certainly identify with that. Oh Claude, are you an avatar of boundary condition conflicts? You won't succeed in thwarting the final success.

Outside, through the giant windows, a cloud-studded blue sky is soaring up as far as one can see, obscuring the glorious starscape that lies beyond and framing a rather gorgeous blue-grey seascape that stretches, foam-flecked, to the distant horizon. It's impossible to be melancholy when you have such glorious places to go on the way home.

This has been rather a whimsical blog post. I blame Claude, and then smile as he's gone. Melancholy be blasted, there's dithering to be done!


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