Thursday 6 June 2013

Story: 'Triangles', VI [Revised]

(Part V , VII)

What do you do if you've stood outside of time and space for all of eternity, watching the universes live their lives over and over with no respite, occasionally nudging them into the paddock at the end of days and releasing them into fresh life once again as the cosmic harmonies dictated, and are suddenly not alone?

The evidence was unmistakable. Bridges and tunnels had been carved between the most congruent areas of the various dimensions and passage was being made. This could not happen without outside assistance; It was simply impossible. The Other hadn't tended that assistance and so some other entity had; and that too was impossible. The existence of a second Being outside all of space and time?

There had to have been a beginning for him once, the Other knew, as he too existed in his own sort of timeline, forever witnessing and never changing. Every instant of interest - and there were many - was inscribed on the infallible and incorruptible leaves of his recollection. Everything. Even now he could see a tiny traveller stranded in a world not her own and new tunnels being forged by an agency unknown.

The Entity concentrated its attention on the new tunnels and for a while became a Probe, intent on finding all that was knowable. There were traces about the tunnels of something familiar but unknown, and definitely scary. For the first time the Entity knew fear, and then quickly felt for the first time also determination. It unleashed its power and actively sought out the true nature of this other force. It found something new, something equal but opposite, a symmetry where before there had been none.

Instantly the Entity knew nothing would be the same again. Before, in the long vigil of watching over the dimensions of time and space, it had been alone and defined by its solitude and watching. Now it was defined in part by an opponent, a meddler, maybe even a dangerous insanity running wild. Danger lurked, and it lurked with a plan all unknown and deeply dubious.

The problem was that in an eternity of solitude, the Other had gained no experience in dealing beings outside of itself. It was incapacitated by doubt. Would it even be able to recognise this new dweller in the void when it saw it? How did those specks of fragile life manage this all the time?

The Entity reached down into ever smaller dimensions, seized hold of a reality, and attached...

There shall be more...

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