Tuesday 25 March 2014


Let's be clear, there is no real reason why my levels of excitement should be rising so at the very idea of a Bananaman film. No reason at all. It is surely going to be a small scale animated feature played for laughs and updated badly if at all. Announcing one now for 2015 surely leaves insufficient time to do something good. Yes? Right?

The rationalizations aren't working. The excitement is building. Why would they possibly be doing something as obscure as a Bananaman movie if they don't have a great idea to make it interesting? Is it live-action or animated or CGI? Who will play Fiona to sumptuous newscaster? What can they possibly be planning?!!!!!

<pauses to relax>

Bananaman has such bizarrely epic potential that the mystery surrounding it all is almost arresting in it's absolutness. And yet, the character is really only a fruit-based (or herb-based if you're being picky) British funny-strip knock-off of Captain Marvel, so why get excited? His longest previous screen instalments were five minutes long, so anything even vaguely similar in concept would have to be expanded and adapted, or badly padded out, on a structural basis. A movie? How can there be a Bananaman movie? How?

Excitement? Perhaps it's because Bananaman is a concept, whether it be for kiddies or everyone, animated or live-action, that seems invulnerable to the pathetic hamfistedness that ends up twisting films into American or British stereotypes. There is absolutely no way Bananaman can be twisted into a foul-mouthed cockney gangster flick or even a Richard Curtis cringe-worthy romcom. It will still be Bananaman, the story of Britain's greatest superhero. It is a law unto itself, so rebellious that the cartoon was voiced by the Goodies themselves.

I don't think I'm even joking, he really is Britain's greatest superhero isn't he?

The jaded cynics of the world outside my tortured head will bewail all too soon, but for now my excitement shall prevail and I shall continue to anticipate happily for the first time in years. The cynicism shall flow away, and for now childish irrational enjoyment will continue. Someone out there is mad enough to make a Bananaman movie, and then some other people were mad enough to pay for it. There's hope for silliness in the world! Rejoice! That more than the film itself pleases me enormously.

Unless it's all a hoax.

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