Saturday 15 March 2014

Notes on a hectic week

Saturday: Returned from Aberystwyth laden with menacing emergency marking. Forced to not play games and instead WORK. There shall be vengeance. I must train a mutant turtle to do my bidding and make pizza. No, I don't like pizza. Mood swings.

Sunday: Went swimming. Finished the hectic emergency marking and then leaped straight into writing lecture for the following Tuesday. No sharks. Shaky mental stability evidenced by lack of appetite and excessive tweeting. Oiled bike and then went nowhere. Blasted hills!

Monday: Wrote more lectures and didn't see daylight. There may not have been a day. Dog barked a lot, but not at the sharks which weren't there. There are never any sharks inland. Didn't finish lecture but did finish 'The Reverse Of The Medal'.

Tuesday: To Aberystwyth! Weekend disruption meant lectures unfinished and coursework postponed. Approached to undertake secret mission but refused as not offered coffee cremes. Fluffed the lecture by being out of shape and collapsing. Pie shortage. Long calculations finished. Huzzah!

Wednesday: Aha! The long-awaited careers event I volunteered to organize! Barely ten final years turn up with refreshments for fifty laid on! Academics did not descend like vultures to scoop up remains. Madness! Went swimming and waited for miraculous coincidences. None. Can't shake 'Dignity' by 'Deacon Blue'.

Thursday: Two practicals and a lecture. Finished practical briefing in the first practical itself. Then finished lecture notes minutes before the slot. Ate lots of crisps. Organized mysterious Scrabble game for following day.

Friday: Two tutorials and a meeting. Minus signs monstrously mutating behind my back. Students mostly asleep. It's possible that whiteboard marker fumes are affecting me, but the pink elephants say it's okay. Two weeks until the contract finishes. Late night Scrabble goes well but chips rebel. Sleep doesn't happen. Blast you, salt deprivation!

Today: Away from Aberystwyth once again. Wrote some coursework. Realised that more than a week has passed since last break. What a lot of water there is in 'Thunderball'! Recalled the existence of 'The Beautiful South' and 'The Communards'. This day must end, and soon.


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