Tuesday 31 July 2012

How do you spell 'wonky'?

Let's write some words. Words about what? Hmmm. Good question. I'm listening to Tysto's commentary for 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom', anticipating sleep, and worrying about my thesis and the interview in seven days time.

An interview.

How to prepare for an interview? I've never made it successfully through one. Could this be the one that breaks the spell? Being a compulsive truth teller in times of stress can be awkward sometimes, not because I believe in telling lies but rather that sometimes I say inappropriate things to break a silence. Oh, the joys of being special.

What, Indiana Jones can't fly a plane? That may be trouble. I actually like 'Temple of Doom', it's my favourite of the 'Indiana Jones' movies despite being the most horrid in places. I don't know how that's true but it is. 'Raiders' is too choreographed, 'Lsat Crusade' is too iconic, and 'Crystal Skull' is too long but I like this one. I like Kate Capshaw even when lots of people don't, perhaps because someone really would scream a lot in those situations. Still, even though it's my favourite Indy movie, it's nowhere near my list of overall favourite movies. That list is secret.

What to say about interviews? Well, it'll be fine. What to think about the thesis? It will be over soon. How to be a raving madman? Carry on as normal. Want to know what to watch at the Olympics? Well, the women's basketball is amazing! I've watched nine out of the twelve games so far and they've all been close and rather gripping. All of them! Well, I exaggerate, as Turkey versus Angola was a bit one-sided but otherwise it has been a great tournament and I would watch another four or five games tomorrow but the radio station beckons.

Oh, and I think a podcast is in pre-production. There may be auditions for voice acting. Nyahahahaaa. Anything to distract from interviews.

Oh good grief,
Oblivious Oliver.

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