Monday 28 January 2013

The importance of mousemats

Here in my new office all is going very well. It's true that I made the old minus sign error AGAIN but that can hardly be helped. 'Who needs a yield stress anyway?' is the rhetorical question I always deploy so that I can move on to the next problem. Of first priority is the purchase of a new mousemat, something that will make life infinitely more practical. A mousemat is the most important item in any modern computer user's office without doubt. Mine has swirls and will be delivered soon.

'Do you see swirls when I do this?'
The second most important thing about a new office, and the first day of a new job, is to find a good place to walk around and work off those programming and work stresses. Fortunately this is Aberystwyth and I have years of experience in aimless roving already. Who needs pacing on boring flats when you have hills, hills and more hills? Perhaps they'll find me one day, endlessly circling in an ambling path, muttering 'no, not with this plain old mousemat, not like this' and do the inevitable thing.

'Whoooooah... it never did that before!'


paean: (ancient Greece) a hymn of praise (especially one sung in ancient Greece to invoke or thank a deity)
'Oh swirly mousemat, you are most lurid,
You fill my office with colours lucid,
And do allow fluffy bunnies to assist
In these mathematics I can not resist,
For which I thank you, oh swirly mouse mat.'

That wasn't quite a paean to my mousemat but it was close, lacking as it did the true heartfelt tone of a paean to the old gods seeking help or giving thanks. The mousemat is by the most important thing to ever occur in this office, and that includes the pagan cake sacrifices that took place in 1994 during the last funding troubles.


PS New commentary up at Film Bin, and it's for the pilot episode of one of my favourite tv shows: Due South! We're planning to do all the episodes. Keep your eyes peeled.

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